Hi, and welcome!
I'm a little behind with updates (not news if you stop by here regularly!), but I'm delighted to be part of the anthology A Spirited and Most Courageous Prince. It's a collection of short stories inspired by England's King Richard III. Before you ask, no, he actually was not an evil, power-hungry monster. For more of my thoughts on the king, see my essay, "Me and Richard III."
My story, "The Banbury Road," is about King Edward IV, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and their third brother, George, Duke of Clarence. George had joined a rebellion against King Edward, forcing the king into exile with Richard and a small group of followers. Edward's and his companions have returned to England to take back his throne. The women in their family have convinced George, who was not getting the power and acclaim he expected from the rebellion, to return to the family fold and help Edward. The story explores Edward's and Richard's feelings about George, including their fear that his return is a trick and not an alliance, as their reunion approaches and looks at the reunion.
I did some research for this in primary source chronicles, the Historie of the Arrivall of King Edward IV and the Final Recoverye of his Kingdomes from King Henry VI (usually shortened to The Arrivall, and I'm sure you can understand why) and the Warkworth Chronicle. These works describe the events of Edward's return from exile but are silent as to how those involved felt. My story seeks to fill that silence.
​Proceeds for the anthology benefit the Scoliosis Association UK and scoliosis research. I have scoliosis, as did King Richard. Having this condition is how I know it doesn't cause a humpback, as Shakespeare gave the king. That comes from kyphosis. Scoliosis causes a sideways curvature, not a hump. Anyway, I'm happy to support this cause.

I'm also working on a series of short stories and novellas that tie into the Light Mage Wars paranormal romance series. I call it Between the Pages. The stories explore things that happen to the characters between scenes or books but aren't included in the main volumes because they aren't really part of any book's main storyline.
The first story is "Homecoming," which is about Griffin Dare's reunion with his family, which occurs between chapters in Renegade Mage. Next will be "First Christmas." It covers the Dares' first family Christmas after their reunion and the events that lead up to an important scene in Warrior Mage.
Watch this space and my social media for release information.
Note: These stories include spoilers for Renegade Mage and Warrior Mage.

The new year will see the release of the next Light Mage Wars book, Traitor Mage's Fate. It tells the story of Ross Graham, a Scottish mage who has been working with the mages' deadly enemies, the ghouls, and April Forest, an agent for the All Shires Investigation Bureau. She's a classic rule follower, and he tends to see rules more as suggestions. Sparks fly when they have to work together to uncover a ghoul plot!
Also coming next year is The Speaker for All, the third book and first novel in the Outcast Station science fiction series I write with Jeanne Adams. Something is lurking in the oceans of Outcast Station. Can the human population reach an accommodation with this entity, or will it destroy them? The fate of the planet rests on the shoulders of telepathic deputy marshal-turned-First-Contact-ambassador Sarah Reeth.
I never studied oceanography. I've had a blast doing the research for this book. If you want a cool book on the oceans, check out Susan Casey's The Underworld: Journeys to the Depths of the Ocean.
Finally, if you're looking for holiday reading, check out the mysteries bedeviling the characters in Christmas on Outcast Station or, for a romance, The Magic Christmas Guy.
That’s the news for now! If you want to be kept up to date, you join my street team at https://facebook.com/groups/nancynorthcottstreetteam.Thanks for stopping by.
